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The UK is targeting 24GW of
Nuclear Power capacity by 2050


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Credit: RollsRoyce SMR

UK Nuclear Limited was founded with the backing of experts in finance, investment, development and nuclear energy. We have a stakeholder mandate to deploy and operate Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in the UK, as quickly as practical with minimum impact on public finances. Our team is dedicated to providing safe, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions to meet the growing demand for clean, independent electricity in the UK.

We are currently technology and location agnostic. There are many excellent new reactor designs being progressed with varying benefits. Our preferred "First Wave" designs employ existing Light Water Reactor (LWR) technology. Proven, reliable and cost effective. The UKN priority is quick, economic and safe deployment. Second Wave development could open opportunities for Advanced SMRs and Microreactors.


Similarly, sites are being evaluated under a range of criteria including ease of licencing and permitting, transmission infrastructure, and geology. There will be a particular focus on the provision of regeneration value, and regional economic uplift.


A series of MOU and LOI agreements have been established with site stakeholders.

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Credit: GE Hitachi

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Credit: RollsRoyce SMR

Why SMRs? Traditional nuclear power reactors are large scale units. While they have operated efficiently for many decades, they are challenging to fund and build. They are needed - Hinkley Point C and Sizewell C will help abate the UK's declining nuclear capacity - but the future reactor fleet needs to be agile and dynamic.


By building small reactors, we can build more, and thereby climb the learning curve faster. Moreover, modularity means factory built components that can be trucked to multiple construction sites, enabling swift, economic development.


Safety? The nuclear industry has been shaking off its 'Homer Simpson' danger stigma, but more needs to be done to remove irrational prejudices. Actual danger comes from anti-nuclear 'green' policies that have significantly slowed nuclear's contribution to decarbonisation.


Context is key. The nuclear power industry has off-set more than 60 billion tonnes of carbon and particulates that kill many thousands of people a year. Much like flying is the safest form of transport, nuclear is the safest form of power generation.


In the UK, we are fortunate to have strong public and government support.

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Credit: COVRA

What about waste? The management of radioactive waste is often touted as a major negative for the industry. Again context is key. Uranium (the fuel) is energy dense, which means there's not much of it. The entirety of the world's spent fuel (from decades of providing 10-20% of global power supply) would fit on a football pitch 6m high. Meanwhile, the equivalent fossil fuel generation would emit billions of tonnes of unfettered carbon into our atmosphere.


A little known fact is that 'waste' fuel is actually only 3% waste. Although small, it's enough to impair fuel performance. But, at a cost, it can be removed. Reprocessed fuel accounts for about 24% of France's nuclear power output (itself about 70% of their energy mix). This 'liability' could therefore be considered an asset.


In the Netherlands, at the Covra repository, they brilliantly combine spent fuel storage with a museum and gallery, open to the public every quarter.

What we bring:


  • Genuine low carbon power - life cycle emissions one quarter that of solar 24/7.


  • Economic energy independence - only requiring refuelling every two to three years. Low life cycle costs = affordable power prices.


  • Up to £10 billion in investment (for a four unit plant).


  • High skilled jobs:

    • One unit will create approximately 1,000-2,000 direct jobs during construction (~3-5 years), and 200-300 full-time roles during operation (60-100 years).

    • Significant indirect jobs - on going maintenance and support services. Plus 'induced jobs' through workforce expenditure in the local economy.


  • Working closely with the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), UKN will deliver first class operational safety, and maintain the highest environmental standards.  â€‹


  • The UKN Foundation will channel a proportion of profits to local community projects. UKN is focussed on generating benefit on both a micro and macro level.

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Credit: COVRA



Head Office

71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ


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